The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence – Rochester Area works every day to reduce the incidence and prevalence of the disease of alcoholism and other drug dependence.
The group typically meets the last Wednesday of the month during the school year, but it’s important to call in the event that parents have requested a date change in a particular month. More information may be requested by contacting Jennifer Faringer, NCADD-RA Director, at (585) 719-3480 or at jfaringer@depaul.org.
The next class will start in January 2023. The ACCT program is 16 months in length. Applications and/or more information can be found here or requested by contacting Jennifer Faringer, NCADD-RA Director, at (585) 719-3480 or at jfaringer@depaul.org. Click here to learn more about the ACCT program.
Click here to view a list of Gamblers Anonymous meetings in the Finger Lakes region. For areas outside of New York State, click here.
There is help available in our community for youth and adults. Services range from treatment (detox to inpatient and outpatient services) to prevention. NCADD-RA offers a Total Approach Family Program, an educational series for loved ones to learn about addictions and the effects on the family and their lives. To learn more, please contact Bridget DeRollo, Family Program Coordinator, at (585) 719-3483 or at bderollo@depaul.org.
To locate safe disposal sites for your medications, click here to see NCADD-RA’s listing of RX Drop Boxes in the 9 Finger Lakes counties. To learn more about Prescription Drug Misuse/Abuse, contact Jennifer Faringer, NCADD-RA Director, at (585) 719-3480 or at jfaringer@depaul.org.
Staff at NCADD-RA can provide information, resources and/or a presentation for your parent group on this issue. To learn more, please contact Bridget DeRollo, Family Program Coordinator, at (585) 719-3483 or at bderollo@depaul.org.
NCADD-RA provides prevention education and support services. We have developed a Monroe County OASAS Treatment Provider Directory which we update biannually that identifies providers in our area who provide alcohol and/or drug evaluations. Access this directory on our Resources page or by calling (585) 719-3480 or (585) 719-3483 or by emailing Jennifer Faringer, NCADD-RA Director, at jfaringer@depaul.org or Bridget DeRollo, Family Program Coordinator, at bderollo@depaul.org.
You can also access directories for the eight counties surrounding Monroe County through the Finger Lakes Addiction Resource Center. For more information, please contact David Young, FLARC Coordinator, at (585) 719-3485 or at dayoung@depaul.org.
The FL PRC provides training and technical assistance for coalitions on implementing the Strategic Prevention Framework and Environmental Prevention strategies. For more information, please call Irene Lawrence, FL PRC Project Coordinator at (585) 719-3482 or at ilawrence@depaul.org or Jerry Bennett, FL PRC Community Development Specialist, at (585) 719-3488 or at jbennett@depaul.org.
The FLARC provides referral directories for the 9-County Finger Lakes Economic Development Zone (Genesee, Orleans, Wyoming, Livingston, Ontario, Yates, Monroe, Seneca and Yates). For more information, please contact David Young, FLARC Coordinator, at (585) 719-3485 or at dayoung@depaul.org.