NCADD-RA Annual Luncheon

NCADD-RA, formed in the spring of 1946 as the Committee for Education on Alcoholism, affiliated with NCADD, Inc., and in July of 1946, opened an alcoholism information center. Throughout the decades NCADD-RA has expanded its services to include alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and problem gambling related educational services and resources. NCADD-RA currently provides evidence-based prevention education, both community and professional education, resources, information, referral and advocacy.

A few of the past NCADD-RA Annual Luncheon Keynote Speakers:

NCADD RA Annual Luncheon Presenters

Each year, at NCADD-RA’s Annual Luncheon, we invite the community to join us as we celebrate the work of NCADD-RA, honor local individuals for their service and bring national speakers who provide cutting-edge research in our field.

The following two professional awards are awarded annually:

The Charlotte Hegedus Award

This award is given to professionals who have consistently demonstrated a high level of cooperative work with individuals or groups with substance use disorders and who serve as a role model for other professionals for at least five years.

The Helen Guthrie Memorial Youth Advocate of the Year Award

This award is given to professionals who have worked primarily with youth for at least five years, and have excelled in the promotion, enhancement and provision of youth substance use disorder services.

NCADD-RA’s Annual Luncheon