Current Drug Trends

Drug trends are ever shifting in terms of new drugs, new additives, changing potencies and prevalence. What has not changed is the way each impacts the health and safety of our community.


Learn more to know the risks!


Fact Sheets (State)


OASAS Xylazine Guidance In Brief

OASAS Xylazine Guidance: In Brief

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Fact Sheets 

Xylazine Ad Graphic

Xylazine - Know the Risks!

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Ilegally Made Fentanyl

Illegally Made Fentanyl - Know the Risks!

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Drug Trends

DEA Fentanyl Awareness Day Resources

DEA Fentanyl Awareness Day Resources

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One Pill Can Kill

One Pill Can Kill Campaign and Resources

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Fentanyl Drug Facts

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